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16.2 2008 Dutch TB mare cross. 



RPSI branded.  Portia's dam is Katch 22, sired by Consul and out of a Greenhorn Stallion. Portia's dam is a half sister to the legendary Judgment IHF, one of the highest money winning Grand Prix horses in past several decades.  Her sire is Guaranteed Gold, TB IHF hunter sire.  Portia has three very balanced and free flowing gaits.  She has been ridden by her amateur farm owner for the past three years.  Riding has not been extensive, but rather fairly light schooling due to owner's schedule and lack of indoor arena. She has good ground manners, stands quietly in the grooming stall and washrack, and stands for the farrier. No soundness issues, never coliced, has gone barefoot all her life and has strong and healthy hooves.

Portia could do H/J, dressage or eventing.  Priced in the very low five figure range.  Has some limited hauling and showing miles, but nothing extensive.  Jumped very lightly starting fall 2016.  She is not a beginner horse, and would excel with an experienced rider who can do solid training work and wants a horse with exceptional athletic ability.  Portia is forward and wants to move out, but is balanced and listens well to the hand and the leg.  We have very limited schooling video of her right now, we will be working on getting more video with a better dressage rider this Summer so that future buyers can see more clearly her wonderful potential. 


Priced in the mid four figure range. Price may go up with additional training.

Above and below are short clips of Portia jumping her first course.  She is not regularly jumped and hauled off the farm for this video. We jumped around a very low puddle jumper course at a local jumper derby - ie these are schooling horse show conditions. Oct 2016

Above is video from June 2017, first ride after 7 months off.  Unfortunately without an indoor arena and with my work schedule I could not ride Portia from Nov-June.  This is her first day undersaddle in many months.  She is far from perfect but I am pleased that she was listening and obedient.

Portia on loan for flat classes Maelstrom Farm Fall 2017 IEA show.

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